Sunday, June 21, 2009

Paradox. It Appears It Is Possible To Get

"The disease is particularly widespread in sub-Saharan Africa where over 70% of women are infected. The virus Herpes simplex type 2 is usually transmitted through sexual contact and remains in the body for life. The disease can be manifested by painful genital ulcers, but symptoms may also be more moderate, which is why most people are unaware they are infected with the virus and can transmit it further to other people. The said the study published by the WHO, we shall ask for the permission to have it published here. " by World Health Organization (WHO ) on HERPES Outbreak

Paradox. It appears it is possible to get fat starving. For example, somebody is capable to burn for days a maximum 100 fat. It almost 1000 kcals of an order of Herpes STD Genital 35 percent from average day caloric content It is admissible, he has eaten for a day only two glasses 30 percentage fat contents, that is 150 fat are swept away. it? Certainly is not present. It will be hungry. But this day it will get in a stock 50 more fat. You only think - all the day to starve, what in the end of day also to grow stout. It is not difficult to count up that if the person will hold on on such diet month though agree, will sustain it difficultly enough in the end of this month it will grow stout already on one and a half kg. I often enough had to meet, directly , paradoxical cases of a set of weight. For example, when patients, on purpose to grow thin kept to a diet consisting of one vegetable salads. But these salads have been plentifully enough seasoned by vegetable oil or mayonnaise. After a month of a food such the weight not only did not decrease, but on the contrary increased by 2-3 kgs.

1 comment:

  1. Yeast Infection : Medication

    Read the liner medications being taken. Perhaps, among the side effects listed fatigue, lethargy, weakness. However, some manufacturers omgut "hide" from you this information. For example, antihistamines (used for allergies) can literally pull you out of energy, although the label you do not read. Have a similar effect of many antidepressants and beta-blockers (medication for hypertension).
