Tuesday, June 16, 2009

There Is Nothing To Be Surprised Here: The

"This medical data from around the world have allowed to see the real picture and draw the boundaries of herpes virus spread. It is well over 500 million people worldwide infected with genital herpes, according to the WHO World Health Organization, its almost twice the size of United States. It is well over 20 million people each year contract a sexually transmitted disease, according to a study released by the World Health Organization (WHO ). It is this study first have put into perspective the research and analysis under the conducted study parameters on the Herpes disease, it estimated that approximately 16% of the global population aged 15 to 49 carry the virus (!!!). " by World Health Organization (WHO ) on HERPES Outbreak

There is nothing To be surprised here: The theory of official medicine ideally corresponds to Herpes Genital its mass practice which is reduced, speaking in images, to "face lifting" ill, sometimes - to their "major repairs", but practically never - to full restoration and returning to a primary brilliant state of affairs. Here one of an assembly of depressing examples. In article "That it is necessary to know about arterial pressure" the candidate of medical sciences of V.Lebedev informs: "The blood pressure size changes with the years. In modern medicine the formula is applied to definition of a normal blood pressure. Sistolichesky = 102 + (0,6 years of age) Diastolichesky = 63 + (0,4 years of age) Under the scientific data, on age it is possible to express size of a normal blood pressure by means of the table. ". And further follows it is sad a leaving number from 129/79 in 17 years to 149/89 in 60 years. So, before us "the scientific data" according to which the primary norm is unconditionally obliged to change for the worse with the years.

1 comment:

  1. Yeast Infection : Waking up in the morning, you had difficulty forcing myself to get dressed and feel the lethargy before the end of the day? At the weekend you do not have enough strength and desire, even for a walk, but on weekdays - all the more? After a couple of bays on the stairs, you are ready to fall from weakness? All these symptoms can indicate serious health problems, some of them, however, can be solved independently, while others require the help of a specialist
